Despite winning Lokhova believes every body loses as she is not able to work in financial services again. |
Svetlana Lokhova a high flying banker has been awarded a huge sum in compensation for a job she held for less than a year.
She was awarded over £3 million from an employment tribunal for sexual discrimination, although she says most of the money will end up going to her lawyers because her lawyers have a charge on her house.
Svetlana's saga with former employer, Sberbank CIB (UK) Ltd - a Russian investment bank began
in 2011 not long after she was appointed to a new post in the company's London office and was offered an annual salary of £300,000 with the potential to make even more.
in 2011 not long after she was appointed to a new post in the company's London office and was offered an annual salary of £300,000 with the potential to make even more.
But according to her, the job she loved became unbearable, because of the hostility she faced from her new colleagues especially her new boss who were not happy over someone being transferred from the head office and even went as far as showing his disapproval of her by calling her derogatory names like " Miss Bonkers", one of her colleagues even sent emails to her other colleagues and clients saying " crazy Miss Coke head can have my desk" also calling her a Schizo nightmare".
This toxic environment she found herself began to affect her work abilities as it affected her frame of mind and so she saw her confidence drain away, negatively impacting the successful career she had managed to build in investment banking over the years.
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