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Showing posts from February, 2015

Before you lose your cool

Deep Breath and another one Good.    Daily our lives are filled with so many different emotions whether its anger, irritation, love, joy or frustration whatever you are feeling at any particular time remember its only temporary because nobody lives with a particular type of emotion for ever, Our emotions are subject to change and so before you lose your cool and attack that person whether physically or verbally think of the assault charges which could be brought against you, before you give your boss a piece of your mind think will there be consequences because often times after the emotions reside you begin to wish if only I had let that moment pass. Trust me some consequences  can totally alter the course of your life forever. So instead of blowing your fuse try focusing on the consequence to help you over come the moment because from experience I have learnt human beings as well as circumstances are subject to change. Sadly many great opportunities have been lost in the heat of th

Cars of the future

Toyota Japan has started mass production for its car of the future. The   Fuel cell cars  will be powered by oxygen and hydrogen making them environmental friendly as they are zero emission emitting just water vapour and heat. At the moment the plan is to produce 700 units of these cars by the end of Dec 2015 and thereafter increasing production to 2000 in 2016 and 3000 in 2017. This car will be a four door mirai sedan and will have the ability to travel 400 miles without the need to refuel.  Toyota Mirai

Killer of American Sniper gets life

27 years old  Eddie Ray Routh has been sentenced to life imprisonment without parole after being found guilty for the murders of Chris Kyle the real American sniper whose memoirs the Clint Eastwood directed movie '' The American Sniper'' is based and his friend Chad Littlefield. Both men had been helping Eddie Routh and other war veterans deal with post traumatic stress disorder when they were both shot and killed by Eddie in a Texas gun range in February of 2013.The defence lawyers for Eddie had tried to argue that he was suffering from psychosis at the time of the shooting and so not guilty of murder on the grounds of insanity, but prosecutors were able to convince the jury that took no longer than two hours to reach a verdict that Eddie was fully aware of his actions at the time of the incident and so should be held liable. Chris Kyle Chad Littlefield  Eddie Routh   International release poster for the American sniper starring Br

Horror in Brisbane

  A scene you would have thought only possible in horror movies  happened life in Brisbane one of Australia cities. A yet to be identified man did the unthinkable by stopping his car right on the motor way dousing himself with petrol before lighting up both himself and car in full glare. According to the incident happened around 6:20 pm local time, the emergency service were quick to arrive at the scene extinguishing the flame and the man has been taken to a local hospital with reports he suffered only minor burns.

Thailand closes door on commercial Surrogacy

Thailand has a new legislation banning  commercial surrogacy. Thai women will henceforth not be allowed to collect  payment from foreigners looking for surrogates.This follows the high profile case of baby Gammy in which an Australian couple refused to take responsibility for one their children born through a Thai surrogate because he was diagnosed with Down syndrome. The Thai woman was delivered of twin babies, the couple decided to take the healthy baby girl back to Australia with  them leaving the brother behind with the surrogate mother because he was diagnosed with Down syndrome.  This new law is a bid for the Thai Government to end the rent-a-womb industry that has in the past years made Thailand a top destination for fertility tourism. The new law stipulates that any one taking payment for surrogacy could face up to 10 years jail term, nevertheless the country has not altogether banned surrogacy as Thai couples who genuinely can't have children can employ the help of surroga

Bizzare Coincedence

On BBC Since 1985 EastEnders a long running British soap opera recently aired an episode in which the killer of  Lucy Beale's character was revealed to be her 11 year old brother Bobby Beale. Immediately British viewers took to twitter to ask why Bobby Beale killed Lucy.Coincidently across the Atlantic an American teenager named Bobbie Beale in real life began receiving tweets asking why she killed Lucy which in an unusual twist was her dog's name. She had to post a selfie with the hash tag I did not kill Lucy.  The real life Bobbie  Beale

Are you putting your life in the hands of Dr Quack

Is doctor quack your cosmetic surgeon, whatever the reason for going under the knife please bear in mind that every surgery carry an element of risk and so its your responsibility to put your life in the right hands. Never be shy to ask all the right questions that will help you make an informed decision. During your consultation find out if:  Your doctor has got the right credentials or just purporting to be an expert Your doctor is board certified Your doctor is cunningly pressurising you to undergo the procedure by way of his non-refundable deposit (professionals never pressurise their patients to undergo surgery ) Your doctor has had complaints filed against him Research, Research and Research your doctor 

Harriet Harman and her pink buses

I thought pink was synonymous with femininity So Harriet Harman is using pink buses for her woman to woman campaign which is quite understandable because pink is generally thought of as a feminine colour just as blue is thought of as a masculine colour. When you go to visit your friend who just had a female child in the hospital do you buy them pink balloons because you think the baby will grow up to be a bimbo?  The pink ribbon is the international symbol for breast cancer awareness because that is a disease synonymous with women. What I don't understand is the motive of those trying to make an issue of the colour of the buses   I believe her objective is to canvass WOMEN who are eligible to vote irrespective of social, racial or educational pedigree. Using the pink buses is in my opinion just laying emphasis on the theme of the campaign for those who haven't noticed WOMAN TO WOMAN. Why are people are taking the time to downplay  her effort at trying to encourage more w

Victoria Beckham - Hate her or love her

She has earned the Self title POSH She has continued to demonstrate that you can have it all by the hard work she is constantly putting into building her family, career and self. Whatever success she is enjoying is not luck, she has worked for it and so deserves it.  What else can be said of a woman who despite having her hands full with being a wife to a larger than life husband  and a mother to four children has managed to build a successful career for herself. I respect her simply because she has earned her stripes and worthy of being called a super woman.

A look at the serenity prayer

The Serenity Prayer as Said by Reinhold Niebuhr ( 1892 - 1971) God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, Courage to change the things which should be changed, and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other. Living one day at a time, Enjoying one moment at a time, Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace, Taking, as Jesus did, This sinful world as it is, Not as I would have it, Trusting that You will make all things right, If I surrender to Your will, So that I may be reasonably happy in this life, And supremely happy with You forever in the next. Amen.    I often wonder wouldn't life be a lot less stressful if only we took this prayer to heart and worried less. Some things are simply beyond our control and worrying about them will do nothing to help but hurt us as worrying too much can lead to anxiety which in turn can cause insomnia and temporary rise to your blood pressure.     An unknown author wrote ''Wor