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Lesson learned- Customer is king.


I work at a Books distribution and Library management firm, as a Project development officer and so, have access to monitor procurements, client satisfaction and product delivery.

Now we all know that product delivery automatically comes with the payment for goods delivered or within an agreed period of time between both parties.

Majority of our clients come from the Armed forces and Higher institutions of learning due to our stock content and area of specialty.

So sometime in the middle of last year, a respectable officer bought  a dozen Texts, with an agreed arrangement to pay up in 3 months.
Being in charge of this account, I put a call through to him two months into the agreed time frame to remind him payment would be due soon. To which he responded positively and paid 40% of his grand total.
My saga with him started when I didn't receive the balance payment as agreed after the time frame for payment expired. 
I' m quite patient and so kept trying to reach him, 7 months later, unlimited calls, polite texts and emails  all to no avail.
By this time, I have had to make countless reports and answer to innumerous queries, on why my client had not paid up after such a long time.
For crying out loud I felt like a fraud making up excuses as to why this was happening for a second time as I had a client who acted in like manner once.

I wake up one morning, suddenly filled with rage and disgust at this client, because come to think of it…why would a responsible, well paid officer decide to go slow motion on paying his debt? I patiently sit and count the hours….9.a.m , I picked my phone, and dial his number.

The blast of his 'MAVINS DOROBUCCI' caller tune even got me more furious and gingered to rain hell on him not caring who he was.
I mean as far as I m concerned, he has lost his rep in my sight!...ohh he must be having so much fun even setting up the' Dorobucci' caller tune. RUBBISH .

Suddenly and surprisingly, after so many months officer’s voice comes on the line, “Hello”…
I respond with a smile that’s making the back of my head hurt…Oh HI, good morning sir, I re-introduce myself and my firm and he goes…ohhhhhh yea, its you.
I didn’t wait for more, I went straight for his Jugular.
“ SIR, please I didn’t call to hear your excuses I mean how could you? You bought not 1,2,3….but a dozen books from my company under my supervision we had an agreement as per the payment window my company tolerates and then you do what?.. go A.W.O.L . on me?
He says please calm down…I re attack…Don’t tell me to calm down.
My Job is on the line. Do you even know how difficult it is for a young lady even with qualifications to get a good job that pays at least to keep your head up?....ohhh why would I even ask you? Of course you don’t…you live well, you wouldn’t care about the issues of the bottom dwellers.
Then I drop my voice menacingly low and say….SIR, if I don’t get a frigging beeping alert on my phone from the bank with your name in it by tomorrow night, I am going straight to your headquarters to find you. I heard men in uniform are disciplined and responsible. However you Sir, are a Joke!
By now he’s saying please….. I said don’t beg me…you know, after months of begging my boss, I know for sure begging is pathetic!

I was through with venting and then he quietly says… permission to speak now? Please don’t be mad. My phone was stolen, I lost my contacts. I did try to reach you, please pardon me for the stress caused.
I will make the transfer sooner I get the payment details. All I could say was ok. While trying to calm down.

Few minutes later, I go to inform my boss that I have had the problem sorted out…he says yes, I OVERHEARD you on the phone.
How could you  act so unprofessional, beat down a respected officer with your words like that? This is not what we represent as a firm…I could fire you right now!

Ok, I m staring at him unbelievably like…seriously???
Out of nowhere with sarcasm I say…are you kidding me? You can't fire me, (in my mind…I m staff of the year, and yes I m good at what I do)…Then he moves slowly from his seat behind this huge table, walks towards me looks me in the eye and says so calmly….I can, I will and like hell I just did!
You can't treat my customers that way.

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