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Drinking this collagen infused beer will make you more atttractive

Marketers of this beer (Precious) produced in Japan by Japanese brewery Suntory are claiming that drinking it will make your skin more supple and attractive.
It contains 5 percent alcohol and 2 grams of collagen and drinking a couple of cans a day can help improve your Skin, hair and nails.

Collagen is an important structural protein of the skin and body tissue and some people have claimed in recent times that orally ingesting it can improve the skin, but this claim have been rebuffed by some leading experts who say the idea is absurd. 

This idea is absurd because, as explained by Dr Neal Schultz, a New York City dermatologist, collagen being a protein gets broken down into amino acids by enzymes in the stomach and so cannot be delivered directly to the skin.

However, collagen has been proven safe to consume and you wouldn't be doing your self any harm even if the claim is false, but the real worry is, wouldn't people go overboard in their consumption of this beer  leading to too much alcohol in the system.

Why the choice of alcoholic beer, why not some nice fruit drink ? 


  1. Really? why not collagen infused water


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