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Take it easy don't let stress ruin your life

Stress is the feeling that you are under enormous emotional or mental pressure which is hard to cope with.
Stress is an inevitable part of life because at some point, life events will take their toll on you.

The pressure  could come from trying to do a job right, make a relationship work, master your finance, bring up kids or even the act of trying to simply doing your best to balance life.

The people that live stress free lives are not necessarily stress free in every sense of the word, but rather they have learnt to manage the stress inducing activities in their lives  putting them in charge of their lives .
Stress causes a surge of hormones in your body which ideally should help you cope with the pressure in the short term, but being under constant pressure could mean these hormones taking permanent residency in your body and the problem with letting these stress induced hormones take over your life is that they could affect how your body works making you feel and behave the way you do.
Some people don't even know to are reacting to stress because it builds gradually and people react differently. You could notice you are beginning to have trouble sleeping, feeling anxious, irritable, having racing thoughts, having trouble controlling your temper, drinking more or you could actually start feeling physical pain in certain parts of you body and experiencing dizzy spells.
If you feel like you are under so much pressure and beginning to notice some of the above symptoms, then you could try these tricks to help you take back control.
Acknowledge the fact you are human just like the rest of us. Nobody will judge you for not saving the world.
Choose to deliberately relax, I mean take a break and do some fun activity, because that project you are having sleepless nights over will continue after you drop dead. Nothing personal, life must go on with or without you.
Explore Time-management-techniques because the reason you feel like you are constantly racing against time might be because you are wasting time on irrelevant things and now, not enough time for the important things.
Structure some form of physical activity into your daily routine because exercise releases some "feel good hormones" which could raise your energy level, boost self-esteem and better sleep quality.
Remember life is not a competition, some stress are brought about because you are trying to be better than or be someone else. Concentrate on trying to be a better you instead of trying to be a copy of someone else, you are your own unique being, stop trying to squeeze into a "certain class" when you could be a class of you own. People will always place a higher value on the original.
Learn to delegate and stop being a control freak. People can actually do a good job if they know you trust them to do a good job.
Only buy what you can pay for, forget all that buy now pay later because the borrower is the servant of the lender. Don't spend your wages before you get it. Owe no man nothing but love.
Treat people how you would like to be treated and you will notice people treating you better and your relationships improving.
Life is simple don't complicate it for yourself.


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