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Money can buy happiness but it depends . . .

Many people are of the notion money cannot buy happiness. The truth is Money can buy happiness if by happiness you mean that momentary feeling of joy which is achieved by possession of what one believes to be good. However what money in my opinion cannot buy is that sustained feeling of happiness which I will equate to Bliss.

 Bliss is what we all crave and are all actually looking to buy, you know that underlying mixture of contentment peace and joy that equates to sustained happiness. The sad reality is money cannot buy bliss or sustained happiness.

While money may buy a temporary feeling of joy which when expressed can be interpreted as happiness, no amount of money can buy bliss or inner peace and joy which translates to sustained happiness and this is perhaps why some people in spite of all their worldly goods and possessions cannot say of themselves to be happy.

Money can give short bursts of joy or momentary happiness, but it does not have the ability to sustain the happiness thereby giving the illusion that the more we get, then perhaps the ability to sustain the happiness it brings leaving us trapped in a vicious cycle of hot pursuit depriving us the pleasure of enjoying what we already have.

Thinking about it the reason sustained happiness or bliss cannot be bought is due to the fact that it comes from acknowledging why we have been given the privilege to live.

Yes I believe it’s a privilege to live, to be given the opportunity to be born experience this world contribute your quota and spend eternity with God almighty the creator is something to cherish.

We are all  on earth to contribute our quota to creation, and while we are at it, acknowledge and love the one who gave us the privilege, because contrary to popular beliefs and opinions there is a God whom all humans owe their lives and whether we believe it or not the fact remains that one day we will all give account of our time here on earth and what our contributions were, more like a review with your boss the only difference on this occasion is that there is no second chance to impress the boss.

While working hard to make as much money as possible (because obviously we do need money to live on earth), is not a bad thing, it is how we go about it that matters, don't wear yourself out or sell your soul for it because in reality, all it offers is, momentary happiness which dissipates before you can fully grasp it.

Imagine yourself at a fancy party in a special hall for a limited time with so many nice things to enjoy within the premises but nothing gets taken out yeah, this is pretty much how life is. You are so busy gathering that you fail to take a break to enjoy some of the things you already have in your possession and before you know it party is over, please drop all in your possession and leave.

To sustain happiness we need to be grateful for what we have instead of moaning about what we don't have, live in the moment, enjoy what is currently at our disposal and celebrate the people in our lives.

 Don't wear yourself out chasing after money, because you believe it can buy you happiness, do not live in illusion, the bliss or contentment which you are truly yearning for, cannot be bought, it comes from fulfilling your natural purpose, which is to contribute to creation and this can be achieved by having some sort of positive impact that will make your immediate world a better place.

Try it and you will find there is this deep sense of satisfaction or joy which comes from knowing you made a situation or someone's life better. It indeed feels so good.

Disclaimer: I am neither a psychologist nor therapist, this is a personal opinion based on observation.


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