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Switzerland to prove they are more than just the cheese and chocolate

A solar powered plane has taken off from Abu Dhabi in an attempt to circumnavigate the world using just power from the sun as source of energy.  The aircraft named Solar Impulse 2 has got 17,000 solar  panels built into its wings which will depend strictly on the sun to keep the plane flying , the cock pit aside its supply of oxygen and food has got just a single sit which reclines and doubles as bed and a toilet.

The Plane is being piloted by Andre Borshberg 63, an entrepreneur, a trained engineer and a former air force pilot and co pilot Bertrand Piccard 57, a psychiatrist and famous balloonist. The journey is expected to last five months so the pilots have had prepare for this epic journey in diverse ways, both men using flight simulators as well as going for individual techniques. Andre is taking to yoga and  meditation while Bertrand  is taking to self hypnosis to help stay refreshed and alert as both men are only allowed closely controlled short naps lasting 20 each because of the need to closely monitor the performance of the plane. They will take turns flying the plane only being able to change seats at stopovers because of the restrictive nature of the cockpit.

 Prior to the project the Swiss Government had taken permission from a number of countries including the USA,India China and some European countries to enter their airspace where the plane is expected to make brief stops promoting clean energy.

The biggest challenge will be flying over the Pacific and Atlantic ocean  which will mean flying non stop for five days and night and should the pilots encounter danger they will be expected to bail using ocean survival gear for sustenance until help arrive.

We continue to experience a surge in the use of solar energy as a means of generating power as the price of solar panels have fallen significantly up to 70% over the last couple of years mainly due to Government subsidies. The use of solar is predicted to be the dominant source of electricity by 2050 .

This experiment although seen as baby steps in the right direction could  mean that one day the dream for Zero Carbon Planes will come true, and according to Nicholas Bideau from the Swiss Foreign Ministry the  world will get to know  that Switzerland is more than just the nice cheese and chocolates and in my opinion tax haven we have become accustomed to associating the country with, aside its beautiful land scape the country can be a major source of innovative ideas that can help move the world forward.

Andre(L)  Piccard(R)
Photo Source

The Solar Impulse 2
Photo source -


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