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How to get people to be kind to you

Are people unkind to you, do you find it hard to get help when you need it, if you just answered yes to these questions, then it could be you are not following the golden rule of life which explicitly states that we treat others as we want to be treated, and therefore the key to turning things around could be in your own hands. Trust me what goes around definitely comes around.

Having a pleasant disposition and showing concern for others shouldn't be such a difficult thing to do, afterall its going to be for your own good right? well, a lot of people find it difficult to be kind to others because they have been treated unkindly in the past. The problem with this is that life becomes a vicious cycle of unkindness in which you will continue to be trapped unless you break the cycle with acts of kindness to others despite what you may have experienced.

I understand breaking this cycle might be easier said than done because no man wants to be the fool, I mean why should I be show concern over my sick colleague when no one bothered to find out how I was the last time I was off sick. I understand its completely normal behaviour, but the thing is, while you may not be able to change how your colleagues and friends interrelate with one another, you can at least change how they relate with you because people feel obliged to be kind to those who are kind to them.

Being kind does not necessarily mean being the fool that everyone takes advantage of, it simply means not withholding the help that is within your power to give from another person.

Such help could be things as simple as;

Showing someone the way
helping a colleague who is experiencing difficulty at work
running errands for your parents
being considerate of other people's feelings
just being there for someone

The list of things you can do to show kindness is by no means exhaustive, just remember never withhold the help you can give because that is the difference between you and a wicked person.


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