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Article written by Emmanuel Obazuaye.

Few countries of the world are tagged world powers because of the strong grip they possess and level of control they exhibit over international affairs. The high level of internal prosperity, civilization, growth and development of these countries cause the lesser countries to depend and look up to these so called powers for guidance and directions. However,there is the nagging question constantly bugging me, are these so called world powers totally invincible? I mean how much longer can they hold on? as they all seem to be turning a blind eye on what in my opinion is society's number one enemy DIVORCE. Divorce has actually become a canker-worm eating away the fabric of these nations.

Families which I tag 'micro societies' come together to make the larger society, which they build to an enviable level and work very hard to ensure the survival of this successful society but i am afraid the hard work is being undone ignorantly because divorce is being embraced  as a way of life.

Marriage Divorce has eaten deep into the roots of these so called powerful societies which if not seriously curbed could be the single weapon to bring the powers to naught, for what beauty and use will the fruits be if the roots of the tree is eaten off by the worms? According to a research based publication published by Preston Ni M.S.B.A. on Mar 08, 2015 in Communication Success, 53% of marriages in the U.S., 48% in Canada, 47% in the U.K., and 43% in Australia end in divorce.
Another study also shows that "...children from disrupted families are significantly more likely to express discontent with their lives as measured by an index of life satisfaction." (Furstenberg & teitler, 1994).

The first statistic shows that the families have failed in their duties by instilling the wrong ideas of marriage in the young generation. Marriage is now seen as a union where perfection should exist and couples set high goals and standards for each other which if not met in most cases, have no room for much effort and patience to make it work, but to embrace divorce because as allowed by the society, it is the perfect solution to marital problems, forgetting the effects it has on the children who later on blame either the mother or father and society in general. This blame game becomes exhausting and consequently no motivation to add value to society which they perceive as enemy.

Relating the above studies, the big question is "What chance is there for an unhappy person who has a strong aversion to the society and his life to be productive to the society?" and "What chance does  a society have to grow and maintain its growth and development without the expected and envisaged high quality mental and physical contributions expected from each generation?"

It is my opinion therefore that the so called world powers take proper, better, severe and critical measures in ensuring family units and values are protected, lest they fall for "the way you help heal the world is you start with your own family."- Mother Theresa.

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