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Hill and Slopes ( echoes from anoda world)- Episode 1

The blaring sound of the alarm sprung Me up from I looked at the clock to prove it wasn't 6:00 a.m yet...A rude shock met My eyes, the alarm was right.I needed to leave bed, and start the day...

I tapped twice on the bathroom door gently, but got no response, so I pushed it open as it was slightly ajar, I eased Myself, and headed for the living room, there was a certain calm and quiet..nobody, just the T.V showing an old episode of Her favorite Soap opera... The kitchen was the only place left, after what transpired last night it would be a waste of valuable seconds looking in that direction..So I lazily walked back to the room, picked My phone from the bed, in a flash it caught My eyes, a little note beside My pillow.

*Got a text at 4:05 a.m, They moved the departure time to 6:15 a.m. U were fast asleep, and I didn't want to bother U, call Me when U have the time*

Boom!!!!! *Onome* was gone...

I instantly tried to make the call, but couldn't get through...I cursed and blamed the telecoms company, as though it would do Me any good.. I tried again and got same response "Number couldn't be reached". I dropped the phone in frustration and went back to the living room, did My regular slight exercise session, and headed for the bathroom, cleaned up, dressed up, and got ready for work..

As I dashed out that morning, I exchanged regular greetings with neighbors and friends along the way, as I took hurried strides to board a tricycle to take Me to work.

In no time I was in company of My favorite tricyclist, ( *Musa* ),  we greeted,and I boarded, and Zoom the three legged beast came alive, we were on our way, and then all about yesterday began to play in My head...

I came back late from work yesterday, really late, at around 11:30 p.m. I met Her watching T.V and partly dozing. "Welcome" She said with a hug, and a slight kiss on the lips, "where's Ur laptop ? U left with it in the morning", ( *Yes. Onome had such good eyes with an impeccable sense of observation*)

I left it at the office, I responded,  with a smile, thanks U noticed..

She dragged Me to sit on the couch, and join Her in the T.V programme, I was really not ready for it...But grudgingly, I joined, and sooner than later we got into an argument,...

About cooking... *Onome* was not someone to push an idea on and walk away,.. I told Her I wouldn't even think of marrying someone who doesn't cook, My meals must be made how and when I want them..

She turned, looked Me in the eyes and said I dont like the sound of that..Whats wrong with that I questioned...Everything *Eri* Everything..

Are U saying U won't cook when we get married?, I asked Her. She went into a long silence...I got up and left for the room, offed My clothes, and straight to bed as I was too tired to bath..

Then the electricity company decided to put off the lights and  We had to sleep without their services,.

It was 2:00 a.m in the morning She tapped Me and said *Eri* Sit up I want to talk to U, not now, I responded, I am too tired and need to be at work early today. I slept off.

That was yesterday, and early hours of this morning

*Oga we don reach* I heard Musa's voice say,.. Yea I know thank U My broda, I responded, as I alighted. Paid Him his fee, and turned to get into the office,  Musa is a real cool guy from the north with a bit of Southern swag that endeared Him to Me..

Just as I turned to leave Him, and get into the office, Musa asked " *Oga shey U dey okay*",

I smiled and responded sure why U ask ?, He smiled and said  As U no talk to Me today at all, I been even get correct gist for U...We both laughed and I told Him it was fine, we would talk tomorrow. 

I went into the office premises and started My day...

...... *Continues next Week*....

Pls note that *Hills and Slopes*   *(Echoes from another life)* is a purely fictional work...It is the creative imagination of the Poster, any resemblance of Character or events is purely coincidental, and not meant to cause any form of misdemeanor or Mischieve.. Thank U.


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