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What does it mean to forgive and forget

We often hear these three words FORGIVE AND FORGET and a lot of us struggle with the actual meaning because it seems difficult to reconcile. I mean how do you forget an offence when the human brain is wired to remember emotionally charged events.

Well in my opinion, Forgiving is letting go of wrong and resentment while Forgetting is still managing to look out for the offender's best interest regardless of what has transpired between the both of you and not seek ways to harm or cause that person pain. However in all of this remember to look out for yourself because Jesus in his infinite wisdom said "love your neighbour as yourself" not more than yourself . Release yourself and that person by letting go of all bitterness and resentment not withholding any good if ever in a position to help but most importantly not at your expense. 

For instance a friend you accommodated ended up sleeping with your wife or husband and things ended bitterly between the both of you. 

This friend is feeling remorseful and asking for your forgiveness, how do you handle this because of the hurt and pain you feel each time you see this friend. This is hard because we are emotional beings and sometimes subject to our feelings. 

For the sake of your mental health you can make a decision not to subject yourself to that pain by letting go and refusing to dwell on it because it happened and can not be undone, let it go and move on choosing to dwell only on positive experiences in your life and because you have chosen to let go do not actively seek to harm that friend. 

Now here is the part about looking after yourself, should that friend come back seeking accommodation from you, sit them down and explain to them you have forgiven them and do not wish them any ill, however due to past events it may not be in the best interest of anyone for the both of you to share the same roof and would advise them to seek other alternatives offering your help in other ways possible.

Some would say if you have truly forgiven you would let that friend back in. 

Well the conclusion of the matter is that to forgive and forget means to let go of offences and not actively seek ways of hurting the offender, however you have to ensure you do not leave yourself vulnerable and subject to re attack. 


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